
Competition Commences


Game Day

Start Dates


1st XI Boys (Grade 1B)

2nd XI Boys (Senior B Morning A)

Saturday 12:30pm start

Saturday 9:00am start

13 February

13 February 

Various Auckland Venues

Junior Boys (Junior Open B) 40 overs

Saturday 12:30pm start

31 October

Various Auckland Venues

Cricket Girls

Wednesday afternoon 4:15pm start

10 February

Various Auckland Venues

Please note all game times and days are subject to change by College Sport and draws can be found on our website, or on


ALL PLAYERS will be supplied with uniform top.  Failure to return the uniform that they are issued with will result in a charge of $80.  It is important that all players wear appropriate shoes for all games and practices.


The fees contribute to cover competition entry, equipment (match and training balls) and maintenance of the cricket nets.
Fees need to be paid in full or an automatic payment put in place before competition starts.


Paul Hewson      Director of Sport & TIC Cricket 481 0141 x 749