
Teaching & Learning

Visual Art, Drama, Music and Dance are subjects where students can learn, develop and enhance their knowledge and understanding of creative disciplines.

English Language is designed for second language learners and teaches skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Media is about having a critical understanding of the media landscape as well as being able to create polished media products that engage with their audience.
In health and physical education the focus is on the well-being of the students themselves, of other people, and of society through learning in health-related and movement contexts.
Learning a language at school will help to develop an understanding of the central roles that language, culture, place and heritage play in shaping identity and in giving direction and meaning to life. Northcote College offers Te Reo Māori, Japanese, Chinese, French, and Spanish.
Mathematics and Sciences provide the foundation of learning in life and lead to a range of exciting and challenging careers. The knowledge and skills taught are related to the world around us in a blended learning environment.
Social Sciences look at the interactions of people and communities with each other over time, with the environment and with the economy.
The Supported Learning Department offers advice and programmes for all students with additional learning needs. We aim to assist our students to minimise any challenges they face and to access the curriculum at their own level.
Technologies offered at Northcote College range from computer science and design subjects to food, fashion and hard materials. Technology subjects can lead to NZ Scholarship or to trade training programmes.

The co-requisite standards for literacy and numeracy were created by the Ministry of Education and became a mandatory part of NCEA in 2024.