
Te Korowai Aroha | Support Services

Te Korowai Aroha | Support Services

Nā te raranga te kete tuatinitini e waihanga hei tiaki i ngā taonga e kawea.

Through weaving many strands, a basket is formed to protect what's within

Northcote College Support Services are in Te Korowai Aroha (the cloak that surrounds you with care and respect). The student centre provides a quality service that equips and empowers students, staff and the wider school community.

Dignity and autonomy of every individual is paramount.

Services include advocacy, assistance with interpersonal relationships and personal issues, short term counselling, assessment, referral, individual needs and assisting students’ transition into our school, and into the community.

Te Korowai Aroha includes:

  • Counsellors
  • Tangata Tautoko
  • Harakeke | Student Reception