
Student Leadership

Northcote College students are encouraged to express their ideas and develop their leadership skills through a variety of different groups and opportunities throughout the school. Student views directly impact on the direction of the school. A Board of Trustees Student Representative is elected annually.

Click on the links below to find out more:

2024 Head Students and Prefects

Student Council

Other Groups and Councils

Student Volunteer Army


2024 Northcote College Head Students  

Krish Nair and Siena Terimene-Simon 

Northcote College 2023 head student Krish Nair 2024 Northcote College head student Siena Terimene-Simons


2024 Northcote College Deputy Head Students 

Liberty Armstrong, Tyra Nansen, Shunta Shinzake, Cruz Wilson 

Northcote College deputy head student Liberty Armstrong Northcote College deputy head student Tyra Nansen Northcote College deputy head student Shunta Shinzake Northcote College deputy head student Cruz Wilson


2024 Northcote College Prefects 

Zaf Ardani
Maya Babu
Caitlin Chappell
Micah Cooke
Gray Cooksley
Lotte de Groot
Jessica du Buisson
Kaia Ellis
Zain Franicevic
Jade Hardeman
Issy Harris
Briana Jones
Hwani Kim
Ethan King
Zoe Peterson
J J Proctor-Gunn
Noah Read
Asher Rogo
Elliot Schrey
Charlie Shepherd
Shunta Shinzaki
Aidan Smedley
August Stanley
Agnes Stephens
Unaiki Thein
Neo Tunnicliffe
Tiger Watson
Dom Wharepouri
Emily Whitby
Sweetpea Young



Student Council

The Student Council is a democratically elected group of Year 9 – Year 13 students whose voice extends beyond the management of the school through the Kaipātiki Youth Board student panels. The Student Council meets fortnightly and is instrumental in organising charity events in the spirit of the school motto Ut prosim aliis – helping others.

Want to raise something with Student Council? Email:



Other Groups and Leadership Opportunities

Additional opportunities to develop leadership skills include:

Arts Council - The Arts Council is a student lead group that works to promote the arts, in and out of school, through the organisation of events and showcases.
Environmental Group  
Language Ambassadors - Our Language Ambassadors play an essential role in creating positive experiences for language and culture learning at Northcote College. They keep our students informed of the International Languages goings-on at the school and they organise regular events, such as: International Languages Week, International Film Festival Week and International Market Day.
Music Leaders  
Sports Council -  The Sports Council offers leadership opportunities within the school sports space and members of the Council provide assistance to the Sports Department.


Student Volunteer Army

SVA is the Student Volunteer Army, an education charity run for students, by students, focused on providing meaningful volunteering opportunities for primary, secondary and tertiary aged young people in Aotearoa.

The SVA Service Award was launched to recognise the volunteer efforts of secondary school students. Operating in most major public, private and special schools in New Zealand, the SVA Service Award is a five level badge-based system that records and tracks student volunteering against the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Students download a SVA Summary of Service – a CV of their volunteering – to help with job, scholarship, university or hall applications. 

The SVA website and App makes it really easy for students who do a lot of service (kia manaaki te tangata) to log their hours and keep track of what they do. Students involved in any kind of school leadership positions or who do a lot of volunteering are encouraged to join the SVA and log their volunteering hours. 

Students can download the SVA app and register using their school email address. To create an account, visit: When prompted, select 'I am a student' and then 'No, not yet'.

The e-handbook provides a useful guide and more information about this scheme.