Literacy and Numeracy Co-requisite
The co-requisite standards for literacy and numeracy were created by the Ministry of Education and became a mandatory part of NCEA in 2024.
This link to the NZQA site has information as do the following guides for students and parents:
These changes to NCEA are designed to ensure that high school students graduate with strong foundations in literacy and numeracy.
From 2024 onwards, in order for students to gain an NCEA qualification (NCEA Level 1, 2, or 3), they will need to pass two literacy assessments (Reading and Writing) and one Numeracy assessment.
- US32403: Read written texts to understand ideas and information
- US32405: Write texts to communicate ideas and information.
- US32406: Use mathematics and statistics to meet the numeracy demands of a range of situations
What is in the Literacy co-requisite?
The Literacy standard covers foundational literacy. This is approximately Level 4/5 of the New Zealand Curriculum, whereby a student has full control over Level 4 and is ready to work at Level 5.
The Literacy standards require students to demonstrate the following skills:
- Make sense of written texts
- Read critically
- Read for different purposes
- Write meaningful texts for different purposes and audiences
- Use written language conventions to support communication
What is in the Numeracy co-requisite?
The Numeracy standard requires students to master the mathematics and statistics content ideas at Level 4 of the New Zealand Curriculum AND interweave these content ideas with mathematical and statistical process ideas.
The Numeracy standard requires students to be able to:
- Fluently and flexibly solve problems that require operations on numbers, understanding the relative size of those numbers, and making sense of the answer in context.
- Recognise and work with mathematical relationships.
- Understand and use the spatial properties and representations of objects.
- Understand and use systems for location and navigation.
- Use numbers and units to measure and express attributes of objects and events as quantities with a degree of precision appropriate to the context.
- Understand and reason with statistics and data.
- Use probability to interpret situations that involve elements of chance.
How are the co-requisites assessed?
The new standards are externally assessed, and students need to pass the standards to be awarded any level of NCEA qualification. The standards are assessed using a Common Assessment Activity (CAA). The CAA is an online assessment that Northcote College will organise for students. The standards each take about an hour, but the assessments have no time limits.
What are the grades possible?
The only grades are Achieved and Not Achieved.
What if my child attains Not Achieved grades?
There is no maximum number of times a student can sit the Common Assessment Activities. If a student does not pass one or more of the assessments, they will be able to resit these at the next available opportunity. There is an alternative pathway to support students to demonstrate these skills for the co-requisite.
Does Northcote College receive the student tests and feedback?
No, we do not. We do not get any test papers returned to us, nor do we see the feedback given to students on their NZQA Log In page. However, we can ask students to log in to NZQA to show us the feedback they receive.
How can I help my child to achieve in the Common Assessment Activities?
Being in class is your child’s best chance at success as literacy and numeracy is covered schoolwide. Students should make good use of the support materials such as:
- Northcote College LitNum website
- Pathways Awarua
- the Literacy and Numeracy workbooks which are part of the stationery requirements.