
Enrolment Application Process

Applications for 2024 in zone enrolment are OPEN

Applications for 2025 enrolment will open on 22nd July 2024

Out of Zone Application Deadline 4pm Wednesday 4th September 2024

Out of Zone Ballot (if required) Wednesday 11th September 2024

Offer of Place Acceptance deadline Wednesday 25th September 2024

NOTE : The school Open Day will be held on Saturday 27th July 2024 from 12noon to 3pm.

How to enrol

All enrolment applications are made online.  You can complete the online enrolment form at:  Enrolment Form

In compliance with the requirements of the Education Act 1989, all enrolling students must submit 

  • proof of identity (such as a birth certificate or passport), 
  • proof of residence (applicable only to In Zone students)
  • and proof of eligibility to study in New Zealand(such as a Citizenship Certificate, Residency Permit or Domestic Student Visa - applicable only to students who were not born in New Zealand or Australia).

Applications without these required documents will not be accepted.

Once we have received your online application, you will receive an email notification from us advising you of the next steps.

If you experience any problems in submitting your application form, please email

Enrolment Applications for 2024 in-zone are open.  Out of zone applications for 2024 are closed.


Enrolment Scheme

Northcote College operates an Enrolment Scheme, which means that it has a 'home' zone or a geographical area surrounding the school that guarantees families living within that zone automatic entry.

More detailed information about the zoning enrolment scheme can be found here:   Zone Information


Out of Zone Enrolment Applications

Each year the Board of Trustees will determine the number of places available for students who live outside of the 'home' zone.

Out of Zone applications will be processed in the following order of priority:

  • First priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of  current  students
  • Second priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of  former  students
  • Third priority will be given to applicants who are  children  of former students
  • Fourth priority will be given to applicants who are children of Board employees
  • Fifth priority will be given to all other applicants.

If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth or fifth priority groups than there are places available, selection within that priority group will be made by a ballot conducted in accordance with instructions issued by the Secretary under Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989.


Offers of Place

We ask that all students who have been offered a place at Northcote College accept or decline their place as soon as possible. 


Te Whānau o Te Kākano

Te Whānau o Te Kākano is a form class for the Year 9-13 based on the principles of tuakana teina. It provides a Māori pathway for students and their whānau in Northcote College to draw from the strength of their identity to achieve their academic potential. All students enrolled in Northcote College are welcome to apply to be a member of Te Whānau o Te Kākano regardless of ethnicity.

Further information and the Whānau Class Application Form can be found at:  Te Whānau o Te Kākano