Jane Hall
Ashley Raggsen
Rochelle Gosling
Robyn Visser
Caleb Webb

Year 10 Media Studies

This course is designed as an introduction to prepare students for senior media and the key concepts of media studies: reading media texts, linking media with society and technology and the production of media.  The main focus is on film texts and how they communicate meaning and conventions.  Students also have the opportunity to work in groups, behind and in-front of the camera to produce short films and other products.

NCEA Level 1 Media Studies

This course focuses on the different uses of media (film, television, social media, apps etc.) and aims to develop an understanding and confidence with how media works, its key concepts and at introducing critical media literacy.  Students develop skills and confidence to interpret media as well as create their own group media products.

NCEA Level 2 Media Studies

This course is aimed at developing critical media literacy.  Central to the course is working collaboratively and understanding the power of the media, with an emphasis on how the media construct meaning and how audiences interpret it.  Media production, using the school’s production facilities, is an important part of the programme and students will have opportunities to screen their work publicly at the Senior Film Evening.

NCEA Level 2 Media Production  

The focus of this course is on gaining experience in storytelling through film – scriptwriting and film production skills. Students first learn how the experts tell stories through film and then create their own stories.  This course is designed for students who have an aptitude for handling equipment as well as flair, creativity and an eye for composition and story-telling.  Media production, using the school’s production facilities, is an important part of the course and students will have opportunities to screen their work publicly at the Senior Film Evening.

NCEA Level 3 Media Studies

The course builds on Level 2 Media to further develop skills in critical literacy.  It includes the study of a genre and industry and will involve theoretical and practical work which will lead to the production of a group film documentary or mockumentary.  The best film will be shown at the Senior Film Evening.

NCEA Level 3 Media Production 

In this course students will continue to strengthen their storytelling skills.  Students will first apply media theory to the analysis of different perspectives shown in film texts.  These perspectives are then incorporated into individual stories through scriptwriting and documentary/mockumentary production.  Students create polished scripts and film production using the conventions of documentary – lighting, interviews, archival footage, sound beds etc. The best film will be shown at the Senior Film Evening.