
What is NCEA?

National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA)

NCEA, is New Zealand’s national secondary qualification. Northcote College offers NCEA at Levels 1 and 2 and 3 in years 11, 12 and 13. Here is the NZQA Guide to NCEA

A comprehensive guide to NCEA is available on the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) website 

Our aim is for each student to achieve as well as they possibly can and for them to have multiple positive choices when they leave school. NCEA Level 1 is a building block for future achievement. Increasingly NCEA Level 2 is considered a bare minimum qualification for a school leaver. At Northcote College we expect most students to stay until the end of Year 13, and to achieve Level 3 and University Entrance. A student leaving school with a strong Level 3 NCEA will have multiple positive choices.

Northcote College students are offered courses which challenge them in the short term and allow them success in the long term.

All students need to be familiar with Assessment Rules which are explained in the Assessment Policy in Practice and in this includes the requirement that all work presented for assessment must be original. Students are required to sign a statement verifying that the work is original and produced without assistance. Read the Assessment Policy in Practice to find out more.

Northcote College Response to AI

Check your results

All students can keep track of their own results using their student login to the parent portal.

Senior students can access their official NCEA results using their NZQA Login

Request an Extension

If you know in advance that you are going to be away for part or all of an assessment it is important to use the Extension Request Form to apply for an extension or for the assessment to be rescheduled.

If you miss an assessment because you are unwell you can still apply for the assessment to be rescheduled if you have supporting evidence such as a medical certificate issued on the day of the assessment. See the Extension Request Form for details.

Appeal a Grade

If you receive your marked assessment back and believe that the marking is not correct it is important to talk with your teacher straight away. You can appeal the grade which means that it will be remarked by someone else as long as you apply on the Appeal for Reconsideration Form within 5 days of the work being handed back. You will get a written response to your appeal. Most appeals will be completed within 5 school days unless the work needs to be sent away to another school which can take longer.

NZQA Exam Timetable

Almost every senior student will have external examinations at the end of the year. These exams cannot be moved. They are hosted by the school but managed by NZQA.

Before seniors leave in November they are given an admission slip with an exam sort code.
The room the exam will be in is determined by that Exam Sort Code.

To get into each NZQA Exam a student needs:

  • A personalised NZQA Candidate Admission Slip
  • Photo identification

Pens and other stationery must be in a clear container. Only approved calculators are allowed in the exams and the memory must be cleared. Full details of NZQA Examination rules are provided here.

2024 NCEA Exam Timetable