
English Language


Kathryn Teeboon
Christine Lee
Lan Bui
Ellen Yi

The ESOL Department is for our students who do not have English as their first language and who need explicit and extensive English language teaching. This enables these students to succeed in mainstream subjects and to achieve University Entrance literacy credits so that they can apply to a New Zealand university for tertiary study.
All students enjoy success as they develop their language skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.  Vocabulary and English grammar are taught in every class.

Diagnostic testing on a student’s arrival at Northcote College enables ESOL teachers to place a student in an appropriate ESOL class to develop their language learning.
Junior ESOL students follow an English Enrichment Programme to accelerate their learning in English language. English language resources are used to enhance learning in junior Social Studies and Science.
Senior ESOL students in Year 11-13 are placed in ESOL classes according to their English language level so that they can make optimum progress.