Studying at Northcote College

Studying at Northcote College

Northcote College is a well-resourced school. The school campus is 9 hectares.

Facilities include a gymnasium, a heated swimming pool, specialist teaching areas, all weather playing area, a music block with practice rooms, computer rooms, school library, a well-equipped video suite, and technology workshop. Specialist classrooms include science laboratories and rooms for Food, Digital and Hard Materials Technologies. The large school grounds are filled with gardens and trees.

  • The school offers a wide range of subjects which prepare students for national qualifications and further education.
  • Northcote College students are accepted at all tertiary institutions.
  • Students can take subjects at more than one level. For example a student with strong mathematics ability may study mathematics at a level above their other subjects.
  • Students are encouraged to take part in the wider life of the school. There are opportunities to take part in sport and cultural groups.
  • Performance opportunities are provided by national award winning music and drama departments.
  • All of our teachers are registered and well qualified and students speak highly of the quality of learning offered.
  • The college provides strong student support. This support includes a Director of international students, homestay support, guidance and subject teacher assistance.
  • Northcote College operates an elite sports programme for top sports people. 



English Language Programmes

(Refer ESOL page under Teaching and Learning)

Northcote College has a large English Language Programme with experienced staff. Specialist English classes for second language speakers are available for overseas students. These classes run at all levels and lead to national and international English Language qualifications.

Students with very limited skills in English will find studying in English difficult. It may be necessary for students to attend a language course first. Students are assessed on arrival.   

Student Welfare

The International Department at Northcote College considers the safety and welfare of its students to be of the highest importance. Our school is valued for the personal interest and care we show for our students. Specialist experienced staff help to look after overseas students. Mr Wallace is the Director of the International programme, Ms Xu is in charge of administration, Mr Mauricio is the homestay co-ordinator who finds and looks after the homestay placements.

Northcote College has agreed to observe and be bound by the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students published by the Ministry of Education. Copies of the Code are available on request from this institution or from the New Zealand Ministry of Education website.


International Student Travel 

New Zealand is a wonderful country and we hope that you are able to take advantage of opportunities to see as much as possible while you are here in New Zealand.  The school takes its responsibility for students seriously so we have travel guidelines. All independent travel must be approved by the school.

Under the provisions of the “Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students” the school has an obligation to ensure that leave is only granted where it can be assured that the student will be supervised by approved adults and will be living in accommodation that meets the appropriate standard.

Students should not be applying for leave for personal travel during school time, unless there is compelling reason to do so.  This could include the visit of parents, an event organized through agents or where they are doing so as part of the activities of a host family, or accompanying an approved school trip.

All leave must be applied for at least two weeks in advance, and must include signed permission from parents/caregivers and a completed request to travel form.

Leave will not be granted where the agent of a student who is acting as a guardian denies permission.

All travel must be through an approved organization or with a homestay family. 
