wellbeing portal - eating disorders

Special report: Eating Disorders

Since the pandemic, the number of young people with eating disorders has increased significantly, and the demand for support services in New Zealand has more than doubled since 2020. Essentially, eating disorders are serious mental health problems and can affect all sorts of people.

Whilst there is no single cause for eating disorders, recent research highlights that genetic, psychological and social factors all play a part. Supporting a young person with an eating disorder affects the whole family and despite experiencing feelings of frustration, confusion and sometimes powerlessness. It’s important for parents to remain patient, calm, considered and factual when supporting their young person.

Eating disorders are treatable and full recovery is possible for everyone with the help of medical professionals. However early intervention is key and it is important to remember that eating disorders are never a choice. They are in fact a serious biologically influenced illness and understanding eating disorders can sometimes be extremely difficult for families to navigate.

This report explains some of the risks associated with eating disorders and how best to support a young person who struggles with one. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.

If this Special Report raises any concerns about your child and their unhealthy relationship with food, weight or body image, please seek professional help.