School Expectations & Behaviour Guideline
Code of Expected Behaviour
The Northcote College school behaviour guidelines are founded in respect - for self, others and the environment.
Attitude to Others
We are courteous and show respect in all our dealings with others.
- Disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated.
- Physical violence, sexual harassment, bullying and/or verbal abuse will not be tolerated.
- Material which is homophobic, racist, sexual, sexist or violent must not be brought to school.
We always represent the school in a positive manner. This means:
- Students will abide by fair play rules when playing sport.
- Northcote College uniform will be worn correctly and with pride. (Refer to Uniform Guidelines)
- Students are expected to be at school 5 minutes before the start of the first lesson.
- Students arriving after the start of period 1 are expected to sign in at Harakeke | Student Reception.
- To attend an appointment outside school an appointment card or note from a parent/caregiver is required to obtain an exit slip from Harakeke | Student Reception.
- Students who become unwell during the school day must report to the nurse and must not leave the College without permission. Appropriate arrangements will be made to care for the student or for collection by parent/caregiver.
Respect for the Environment
- This means that students are expected to treat school property and the property of others with respect.
- Students are responsible for their personal property. No responsibility is taken by the school for loss or damage.
- Students will not take or use the property of another student without permission.
- Students will bring to class all required materials and equipment.
- Laptops, chromebooks and tablets and headphones are required for learning at school but devices must be switched off and headphones removed when requested by the teacher.
Intellectual Property
- The work submitted for assessment must be original.
- All resources used in an assessment are to be itemised within a reference list or bibliography. (Refer to Northcote College Assessment Policy in Practice)
- To comply with the Copyright Act 1994 students are not to download any files such as music, videos, games or programmes.
Prohibited Items
- Northcote College is a smoke, vape, drug and alcohol free school.
- We strive for a safe environment free of any hazardous and/or potentially dangerous substances and objects. This means:
- Substances or articles that are likely to be harmful (matches, fireworks, offensive weapons, knives etc.) must not be brought to College.
- Smoking, vaping, and the possession of smoking equipment and/or vaping equipment is forbidden.
- Possession and/or consumption of alcoholic liquor is forbidden.
- Drug usage and possession for use other than for a diagnosed medical condition is forbidden.
- Permanent markers, chewing gum and aerosol cans are forbidden.
If there is a suspicion that a student has broken any of the above rules the school reserves the right to search personal property in accordance with Ministry of Education search and seizure guidelines.
Mobile Phones
It is a requirement that at school, mobile phones will be turned off and in bags between 8.55am and 3.30pm (note: 9.25am on Wednesdays).
The only exceptions to this requirement are when:
- The teacher requires students to use phones for a specific learning activity.
- A student needs a phone to monitor an ongoing medical condition (such as glucose levels). This will require written approval in advance from the Principal.
- The phone is required to assist a student with a disability. This will require written approval in advance from the Principal.
The Principal may decide that a phone is needed for special circumstances. Special circumstances currently approved by the Principal include:
- Students at Northcote College can pay at the cafe and student reception with their phones.
- Students at Northcote College can scan a QR code with the phone if they need to go to the bathroom during class. Note: the phone is left with the teacher in class.
- The Principal (or delegated staff member e.g. SLT, Guidance Counsellors and Deans) may allow a student to use their cellphone in special circumstances to facilitate contact with a parent/caregiver or another person for a particular purpose.
If a student breaches these cell phone rules, the phone will be confiscated for the rest of the school day. Confiscated phones will be taken to the main office for parent/caregiver to collect. The breach will be recorded in KAMAR, our student management system.
The school may require a student to hand their phone into Harakeke | Student Reception at the beginning of the day and collect it at the end, if they cannot self-manage their phone use. A student who knows they will struggle to meet these requirements may voluntarily hand their phone into Harakeke | Student Reception at the start of the day and collect at the end of the day.
A student needing to contact a parent/caregiver can ask to use the phone at Harakeke | Student Reception. if a parent/caregiver needs to contact their child urgently during the day, they should call Student Reception (09 481 0141 ext 724) or the Main Office (09 481 0141) or email their child using their school email address.
Messages to students may be sent via their school email address. Alerts on the SchoolApp, TeamReach and other platforms must be scheduled to send before or after school.
Camps and School Trips, Events and Sport
In general the 'Away for the Day' rule will apply to students on school trips and at school camps and will not apply to after school, evening and weekend sport and events. However, decisions about any exceptions to this will be made and communicated on a case by case basis.
Uniform Guidelines
We expect Northcote College uniform will be worn correctly and with pride.
- School Uniform Years 9 -12
- Northcote College uniform is worn by students in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12.
- Correct uniform is to be worn at school, to and from school, and at all school functions.
- All uniform must be tidy, clean and in good repair.
Parents and students may select items from the list provided. No other items, including sports team uniform, may be worn with the school uniform. Uniform items are available from Yarnton’s, Birkenhead.
- Short or long sleeve shirt (tailored or plain style)
- Navy Fleece
- Navy school jacket with hood
- Navy Trousers
- Navy Shorts / Navy Skirt
- Navy Sarong/Tupenu/Lava lava
- Black shoes (refer below)
- Black belt
- Plain navy cap or bucket hat
- School Beanie
- Black socks or Black opaque tights
- Items of cultural or religious significance (e.g. hijab, tā moko, ie faitaga)
Student Appearance
- Facial hair is to be neatly trimmed
- T-shirts worn under uniforms are not to be visible.
- Skirt lengths are to be modest.
- Hair styles and colour must not be extreme.
- Long hair must be tied up for Health & Safety reasons in a workshop or laboratory and when wearing the No.1 uniform.
- Plain navy blue or black headbands may be worn.
Jewellery and Nail Polish
Students are permitted
- a watch
- one small plain stud in each ear
- one small nose study (no other facial piercing is permitted)
Necklaces should not be visible.
Natural or pale coloured nail polish may be worn.
- Plain black (no colour), low heeled, low cut, shoes are required with uniform. No boots, or sports boots are to be worn. Note: Plain black socks or black stockings must be worn with black shoes.
- Students may wear plain black flat sandals with a back strap, without socks. Black double strap Birkenstock-type sandals (with or without a back strap) may be worn. Shoes with a full heel and toe must be worn in any laboratory or workshop.
Sports Uniform
- Physical Education – a change of clothes must be worn for all PE classes. The PE uniform is to be worn by all students Year 9 to 12. Shorts and a T-shirt suitable for the purpose must be worn by Year 13 students participating in PE (refer to Year 13 dress code).
- Students playing sport for Northcote College will wear complete and correct sports uniform.
Formal (No. 1 Uniform)
When representing Northcote College and wearing the school blazer the following applies:
- School blazer
- School tie
- White shirt with a collar to take a tie (buttoned to the neck)
- Navy school skirt, or Navy sarong/Tupenu/Lavalava, or black dress trousers
- Black opaque tights or black socks
- Black leather dress shoes (clean and polished)
Points to note:
- Long hair must be tied up
- Jewellery must be kept to a minimum - a watch, one small plain stud in each ear, one small nose stud
- Shoes are to be flat (Canvas shoes are not acceptable with the No.1 uniform)
- No nail polish.
- Facial hair is to be neatly trimmed.
Year 13 Dress Code:
Presentation will be tidy, clean, work-place appropriate, and show respect for other people’s values.
i) Suitable footwear must be worn. Footwear must have a back strap (i.e. no jandals or slip on footwear). Black double strap Birkenstock-type sandals (with or without a back strap) may be worn.
ii) Facial hair is to be neatly trimmed.
iii) Hairstyles and hair colour must not be extreme. For safety reasons long hair must be tied up in a workshop or laboratory and wearing the No.1 uniform.
iv) One small nose stud (no other facial piercing is permitted).
v) Make-up, nail polish and jewellery should be minimal.