
Financial Scholarships


Which scholarship?

All NZ universities offer scholarships but so do a number of businesses and organisations.

Check out Money Hub for a comprehensive list of school leaver scholarship opportunities

The Generosity website is another comprehensive list of all available Financial Scholarships. Northcote College students have access to this site using their school email address. If you have accessed the website before you will need to reset your password using this link

If you are accessing the Generosity website for the first time you can sign up here.  The link to the Login page is here.

You could also look at the website of the universities of your choice, and search ‘school leaver scholarships’, ‘undergraduate scholarships’ or ‘entrance scholarships’.

If new scholarship information arrives at school it will be posted on the school website and put in the Daily Notices.

If university is not for you but you are looking for a scholarship try checking out this website:


What you need to do:

Scholarships are very hard to get, so you do need lots of fabulous grades

You need to be able to show evidence of community involvement and other extra-curricular activities.

A letter of support / testimonial from Northcote College. You will need to apply for an early testimonial.

If a reference or testimonial is required from the school always:

Everyone reading your application will want to know that the Principal supports the application – which is why you use her name. Ms Barrie will check and approve every reference that is provided on behalf of the school.

By using the reference request email we will capture every request and be able to meet the deadlines. Otherwise there is a danger that the request will be lost in an already overflowing email inbox.

If more than one school reference is required talk to Ms Meade before you provide the contact details for the references as teachers are not allowed to write individual references for students without permission.


Writing your application:

  • Read the application form and instructions very carefully.
  • Make a list of what you need to do.
  • Look at the due date and work out a timeline for your application.

Here are some TIPS!

It is likely that you will need verified documents and that can take a few days so you will need to be organised.

Always write at least ONE draft of your answers to questions on the application form and have it checked by an adult.

Keep a copy of your answers so that if you apply for other scholarships you do not have to rewrite the whole application.

When asked questions in the application be sure to answer the question. Stay focussed with your answers, don’t digress or waffle.

Do your homework – know about the programme you are going to study, and the institution, and use this information to guide your answers.

Accentuate the positive. Your application is like your CV – it is your one opportunity to let them know that you are the best person for the scholarship. Don’t brag, but tell them the truth.

Include reasons why you would be a good candidate (providing examples of your achievement, attitude, motivation, goals, leadership qualities and special circumstances)

Be future-focussed – write about your goals and ambitions and the role the scholarship will play in getting you there.

Include the name of the scholarship in the first sentence of a covering letter if one is required eg: “I am applying for…”

Aim to have completely finished your application AT LEAST 4 days before it is due.


Extra information may be requested:

If financial information is required you will need information from your parents, and you may need help with a projected budget. For creating a budget see


Documents and verification

You will need:

  • Record of Achievement (from NZQA)
  • Verified copies of your Birth Certificate / Passport
  • Qualifications and personal statements can be verified by Ms Meade.
  • Other documents (birth certificate, passport etc) must be verified by a Justice of the Peace. This is a free service. Ms Andrea Davies in Support Services is a JP and will be happy to help or you could Google: justice of the peace near me

Allow enough time for references to be completed and documents to be verified.


Submitting your application

The earlier the better – submitting via the internet can have problems so allow time for websites that crash at the eleventh hour!

Some applications have to be delivered by hand – you will need to be able to get to the address yourself if this is the case or allow plenty of time for a courier.

Posting – it’s called Snail Mail for a reason…


Top Academic Scholarships

To be seriously considered for academic financial scholarships your Level 2 grades have to be excellent. For instance, in the past these universities have provided guidelines:

Otago University Scholarships:

  • You need at least 80 Excellence credits at Level 2 to have a chance of being successful.

University of Auckland:

  • You must have at least 80 Excellence credits at Level 2 to apply. This is however an absolute minimum.


  • Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship requires a Level 2 rank score (best 80 credits) of 250
  • Significant Student Award requires a Level 2 rank score (best 80 credits) of 250


Not all scholarships are awarded based on your grades. You should look at what scholarships are on offer at the tertiary institutions that interest you.

Here are some examples but remember that the comprehensive list is on the Money Hub website.


Waikato Uni

These close on 31 August or 1 October so check out the details on the University of Waikato website.

Waikato University School Leaver Scholarships include: 

Ko te Tangata School Leaver Scholarship

The Scholarship is awarded primarily on the basis of evidence of academic readiness at NCEA Level 2 and strong community spirit.  The Scholarship also recognises that for many prospective students, family and financial circumstances are factors that may hinder the opportunity to study at university, and special consideration will be given to applicants who demonstrate serious financial hardship and/or extraordinary personal circumstances.


Edna Money Future Pacific Leaders’ Scholarship

For domestic students of Pacific Island descent who are currently studying at NCEA Level 3 towards University Entrance and who intend to enrol full-time in an undergraduate degree at the University of Waikato. The aim of this Scholarship is to provide support for Pacific students to achieve academically at the University of Waikato.


Pacific Excellence Scholarship

For domestic students of Pacific Island descent who are currently studying at NCEA Level 3 towards University Entrance and who intend to enrol full-time in an undergraduate degree at the University of Waikato. The Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of meritorious achievement and connection to the Pacific community.


Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship

For school leavers with strengths in three key pillars: 1) excellence in a sport or creative/performing art, 2) high academic achievement, and 3) strong leadership qualities or potential. Students taking one gap year may also apply. The Selection Panel will also take into account the applicant’s willingness and ability to fully participate in, and contribute to, the Hillary Scholarship Programme.


Te Ara Whānui Scholarship

For domestic students who are studying towards NCEA Level 3 (or equivalent) and have cultural excellence in Māori, achieved NCEA Level 2 (or equivalent) with at least Merit, and are intending to enrol full-time at the University of Waikato.


Te Paewai o te Rangi: The University of Waikato Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Achievement

For school leavers who are intending to enrol full-time in an undergraduate degree. Candidates must have achieved NCEA Level 2 with Excellence (or equivalent) and must show exceptional leadership qualities and/or be actively involved in community initiatives. Candidates may have taken a GAP year prior to entry.



AUT Auckland University of Technology

Academic Excellence Scholarships

  • Awarded to students demonstrating leadership through academic excellence
  • Nationally contestable

Significant Student Scholarships

  • Awarded to academically able students demonstrating leadership through achievement at a high level in school, sporting, cultural pursuits or community involvement
  • Nationally contestable

AUT Kiwa Undergraduate Scholarships (Māori and Pacific Students)

  • Awarded to academically able students demonstrating leadership potential who register with either Māori or Pacific ethnicity in the AUT student management system (Arion)
  • Nationally contestable.

Woolf Fisher First in Family Scholarships

These scholarships are for applicants who are the first in their family to seek to complete a degree. First-in-family normally means that neither of the applicant’s birth parents has successfully completed a degree level qualification.

AUT Faculty scholarships

AUT faculty scholarships are offered in a number of subjects including:

  • Engineering
  • Science
  • Te Ara Poutama (Maori Development)

Unsuccessful applicants for the three main AUT scholarships may be considered for these faculty scholarships.



University of Auckland

School-leaver and first Year Scholarships

Rewards exceptional students, who have excellent academic records and demonstrated leadership potential.

Recognises students with Māori heritage, who have excellent academic records and active participation in community, cultural and other activities.

Recognises students with Pacific heritage, who have excellent academic records and active participation in community, cultural and other activities.

Supports students who have achieved academically, but are experiencing hardships that potentially limit their opportunities or who may have been disadvantaged due to their personal circumstances.

A Scholarship for international students from New Zealand high schools who are enrolling in the first year of an undergraduate degree at the University of Auckland.



Victoria University of Wellington

This is not a complete list. Most applications close in October so check out the details on the University of Victoria website.



University of Otago

Entrance Scholarships Team

The University of Otago offers a range of undergraduate entrance scholarships that recognise academic excellence, leadership qualities, ethnicity, financial hardship, disability, and excellence in sporting or cultural pursuits.

If you are going to be living in a residential college, your scholarship will help with your costs, or possibly cover those costs entirely. If you have a fees-free first year, you can use your scholarship for your fees in your second year of study.

You don’t need to worry about applying for specific scholarships. Based on the information you provide in your application, you will be considered for all applicable scholarships and awards open on the date we receive your application.

Applications open on 1 July each year. Closing dates vary, but many close mid August.



University of Canterbury

Scholarships available include those for:

  • Māori and Pasifika students
  • Accommodation
  • Specific discipline/subject areas (e.g. business and law, engineering, forestry science, geography, music etc.)
  • Leadership development
  • Personal circumstances e.g. financial hardship

It is a good idea to apply for all the scholarships you are eligible for, as you can often hold more than one scholarship at a time. 


Ms Meade will offer after school help sessions for those interested in applying for financial scholarships and she is also available via email