
Our School

It is my pleasure to welcome students, parents and staff to Northcote College. The success of students at Northcote College reflects the commitment of the students themselves and also the commitment of teachers, parents and others who will guide, support, inspire and encourage students to achieve their best.
Established in 1877, Northcote College has served the local community and beyond for more than 140 years and is proud to have second, third and fourth generation students currently in the school.
This is where students can find information on NCEA, Careers, Support Services, student leadership and more . . .
Led by Principal Vicki Barrie, the Northcote College Senior Leadership team works together for the benefit of students and staff. Each member of the team holds a range of portfolios.
At Northcote College, each year level has a Dean. We also have an Academic Mentoring Dean. The role of the Dean is to look after the overall well-being of the students under their care.
The teachers responsible for each learning area welcome your feedback and questions.
Te Whānau o te Kākano is a form class for the Year 9 -13 based on principles of tuakana teina. Over the years, the kaupapa of the whanau class has revised with input from the whānau and community.
Successful learning for students at Northcote College does not occur in isolation; we are part of a local community, a city, a nation and a global community.
The purpose of ERO's reviews is to give parents and the wider school community assurance about the quality of education that schools provide and their children receive. An ERO school report answers the question "How effectively is this school's curriculum promoting student learning, engagement, progress and achievement?"