Formal Complaints Policy
Policy: Formal Complaints
Writer: Principal
Reviewed: August 2022
To provide a clear procedure for handling a formal complaint.
• A formal complaint is a written complaint addressed to the Principal (by title or by name) or the Board of Trustees.
• Formal Complaints which relate to the performance or behaviour of a staff member will be investigated by the Principal or delegated authority as appropriate.
• Formal Complaints which relate to the performance or behaviour of students will be investigated in the first instance by the Deputy Principal. Such complaints will fall within the school’s discipline system.
• Where the formal complaint concerns a staff member, two outcomes are possible:
a) Where the matter is not serious and the facts are clear, resolution may be achieved in consultation with the complainant without further action.
b) Where the matter is serious or the facts unclear, the Principal or delegated authority must investigate further. The Board Chairman is to be notified of the investigation at this stage. If the complaint under investigation relates to any matter covered by policies relating to sexual harassment, abuse, or the sexual misconduct of a staff member, then the procedures in the respective policy shall be followed.
• Where matters of competence, conduct, discipline or performance are discovered the provisions of sections 3.3 to 3.5 of the CEC must be followed for teaching staff or the relevant provisions of individual contracts or collective contracts for other staff.
• Any complaint about the Principal will be dealt with by the Board of Trustees.
• Any complaint that is a Sensitive Claim of Abuse will be dealt with according to MoE advice.
• Complainants must be notified in writing of the outcomes of each investigation while protecting the rights of those complained against.
Signed: Andrew Fox, Presiding Member Date: 29/8/22
Reviewed: May 2006
Re-adopted: March 2018
Revised and adopted August 2022