Update for start of Term 2 2024

Update for start of Term 2 2024

Tēnā koe

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful autumnal weather and that your children are refreshed after the holiday and ready for a busy Term 2. With the cooler weather, please ensure your child has the appropriate warm school uniform items. We have a huge number of students signed up for winter sports, and we wish them all the best for a positive and successful season. We appreciate parents and whānau who support our sports programme through coaching, managing, transport, catering, and of course as positive role models on the sideline. It is not too late to get involved. Please contact the sports office if you are keen.

Thank you for your generous donations on our Non-uniform Day at the end of Term 1. We raised $1925 for the Save the Children Gaza Crisis Appeal.

Welcome new staff

We are pleased to welcome a number of new staff this term. Georgie Stone will teach senior French, and Susan Henshall (former staff member) will teach junior French and Spanish. Robert Dil (from Selwyn College) joins us as Associate Head of Music, and Mercy Edward (from Sancta Maria and ACG Sunderland) joins our Mathematics Department. Courtney Jeffery joins our nursing team and Manny Mauricio takes over as the new International Student Accommodation Manager.  We welcome back Steph Miskell to the English Department and Jo Parker to the Library.

Paid Union Meeting: Thursday 16 May

There is a Paid Union Meeting for teachers on Thursday 16 May (Week 3) from 1.00-3.30pm. With so many of our staff at this meeting, there will be no timetabled lessons for that afternoon. School will finish at 12.30pm. Students who need to stay at school may study independently in the library. School buses will run at the normal time.

Kauri Glen Reserve Treetop Walkway and Track Renewal

Some of you will have been to the grand opening of this wonderful walkway on Sunday 28 April or walked over it at another time. We know that many of our students will come to school this way and will enjoy the serenity of the ngahere over the traffic on Onewa Road. We have put out a new bike rack outside T Block in anticipation of the increased number of cyclists; students should have a quality lock for security.

Lumino Mobile Dental Service cancelled this year

Unfortunately, the Lumino visit for 2024 has been cancelled due to the lack of a suitable location for the mobile bus to be parked on the school grounds with our current construction project. Despite the service not being on site this year, your child is still eligible for their annual FREE dental check, and you are still able to access this service within your local community. If you would like your child to be seen by Lumino this year, please contact them directly by phone or make an appointment with your closest clinic via their website. There are a number of Lumino Clinics across Auckland.

Phone 0800 LUMINO | 0800 586 466, website https://lumino.co.nz/

If you have any other questions, or if you would prefer your child to see a different FREE dentist, please contact one of the nurses, Susanne or Claire phone: 481 0141 extension 759, or email: nurse@northcote.school.nz

Thank you for your ongoing support of our school. We encourage you to stay in contact; if you have any queries, please contact your child’s Dean in the first instance.

Ngā manaakitanga
Kate Meade
Tumuaki Tuarua | Deputy Principal


Key Dates for the first half of Term 2

Week 2

  • New Zealand Sign Language Week
  • Friday 10 May: Blood Bank on site

Week 3

  • Thursday 16 May: Paid Union Meeting - school finishes at 12.30pm
  • Friday 17 May: Pink Shirt Day

Week 4

  • Tuesday 21 May: Numeracy Common Assessment Activity for Year 10/11 students
  • Wednesday 22 May: Literacy Reading Common Assessment Activity for Year 10/11 students
  • Thursday 23 May: Literacy Writing Common Assessment for Year 10/11 students

Week 5

  • Samoan Language Week
  • Friday 31 May: Teacher Only Day - no students at school

Week 6

  • Monday 3 June: King’s Birthday - school closed