Start of Term 4

Start of Term 4

Tēnā koe

Term 4 is busy with final learning modules, NZQA assessments, Year 9 camp, and end of year celebrations. We wish all of our students well for their examinations and congratulate them on their many and varied successes. Please take note of the key dates at the end of this email and also from the year calendar on the school website.

NZQA examinations
NZQA examinations for our students in Years 11-13 begin on Tuesday 5 November and run through until Friday 29 November. Here is a link to the exam timetable: 

Junior Assessment Week: 11-15 November
The schedule for these junior assessments will be emailed to students and posted on our school website. There are links on the schedule to information about each assessment and ways your child can prepare for success.

Parent donation
We are grateful for all donations which ensure that our students have the resources and support they need to achieve academically and also have opportunities to participate and thrive in sport, cultural groups, performing arts, leadership and service. Any payment or contribution through myKindo, in full or in an adjusted amount per term to suit your budget, helps us to continue to offer current opportunities and resources for your children.

Camp Pay it Forward
We understand the financial burden of camps and want to support families where cost may be a barrier to students attending camp. We also recognise some families are in the fortunate position to be able to support another child. If you are able, you can donate through the Kindo Shop; look for Camp Pay it Forward - there are different amounts that you can pay. We greatly appreciate your generosity in making this experience possible for all.

Auckland City Mission Food Drive 
The Student Council has decided to hold a food drive for the Auckland City Mission to support families in need. Students are encouraged to drop off donations of non-perishable food items and/or hygiene products to Harakeke | Student Reception this week and next week before school or at interval. This link has information about food and goods donations to the Auckland City Mission: 

Thank you for your generosity.

Key Dates for Term 4

  • 24 October: Sports Prizegiving 7.30pm
  • 28 October: Labour Day - school closed
  • 30 October: last day of timetabled lessons for seniors
  • 31 October: Senior Prizegiving 7.30pm
  • 5 - 29 November: NZQA Examinations 
  • 8 November: Ministry of Education Teacher Only Day - curriculum and assessment change planning
  • 11 - 15 November: Junior Assessment Week 
  • 25 - 29 November: Year 9 Camp to Motutapu Island
  • 10 December: 10am Year 10 Prizegiving and last day
  • 11 December: 10am Year 9 Prizegiving and last day

Please be in touch if you have any questions or concerns; contact your child’s Dean in the first instance.

Ngā manaakitanga

Vicki Barrie
Tumuaki | Principal