Parent-Teacher-Student Meetings 20 & 25 February

Parent-Teacher-Student Meetings 20 & 25 February

13 February 2025

Tēnā koe

We encourage you and your child to come to one of the Northcote College Parent-Teacher-Student Meetings (PTS) to speak with subject teachers and share your insights on how we can best support your child to make the most of their learning opportunities. The PTS meetings will be held on Thursday 20 February and Tuesday 25 February 4-7pm. The purpose of these meetings is to build positive learning relationships between parent, teacher and student, rather than to report on progress. Teachers are interested in learning about what success looks like for your child and what supports their learning.


Please book appointments with each of your child’s subject teachers on whichever evening suits you best. Bookings are available at 5 minute intervals, and we recommend that you allow yourself  5 minutes between appointments to move to your next room. The meetings will be in the Hall and in nearby classrooms.

Bookings are now open for both of these evenings and can be made electronically through using the School Event Code a6vsd

Please note that online bookings close at 2.30pm on the days of these meetings.

Early finish for students

Timetabled classes will finish for all students at 2.30pm on Thursday 20 and Tuesday 25 February. School buses will run at 3.30pm as normal.

We look forward to seeing you and to strengthening learning relationships to support your child’s progress and achievement.

School App

Please note that the School App we have used in previous years is no longer available or active. If you wish to notify the school of a student absence, please use the Parent Portal or email our Attendance Officer Melodie Aislabie at 481 0141 ext 750

Ngā manaakitanga

Kate Meade

Deputy Principal