Flexible Learning Day: Friday 21 March

Flexible Learning Day: Friday 21 March

As outlined in the newsletter email sent on 10 March, we have a Flexible Learning Day this week on Friday 21 March. This is intended to provide an opportunity for students to continue to work towards completion of learning and assessment tasks without timetable constraints. 

The school will remain open. While timetabled classes will not run, teachers will be available to students between 9am and 11am and again between 1.30pm and 3.30pm. Students have the choice between working independently at home or coming to school to engage with teachers, use wifi facilities and other resources, and to work on projects and assessments. Some subjects will offer workshops or NCEA assessments in these time slots. Details are available from subject teachers. The rest of the time teachers will be engaged in professional learning activities.

Please talk with your child about where they will study on Friday so you know where they will be - at school or at home for part or all of the day. If they intend to come to school for part or all of the day, please let us know by emailing attendance@northcote.school.nz or calling 4810141 ext 750. On the day, all students are required to sign in and out at Harakeke | Student Reception and signal on a sheet where in the school they will be working.

School buses will run as usual.